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Spirited SMiles








Welcome to Spirited SMiles. We’re here to learn new things and teach others what we know.
Information available:
Information will be added as we go along. If there is a subject you’d like to learn about, let me know, so others can learn too.

Spirited SMiles Blog: Welcome

EARTH & Its Connections

The Earth is the foundation of our lives, as it is both our home and our source of sustenance. The Earth is ever-present and highly...

Types of WATER

💧💧TYPES💧💧 Black Water: Water that is black due to the minerals found in it and is therefore unsafe to consume. Black water can be...

WATER & Its Connections

💧💧💧💧💧 People have always been deeply connected with water, which makes sense considering we are mostly made of water and need it to...


How have the Elements been used historically? How can one connect on a deep spiritual level with each element? How can the Elements be...

Black Moon Lilith

Lilith represents an important piece of the feminine that has been lost or even shunned in modern patriarchal society. She was worshipped...


The sign that was rising over the eastern horizon at your time of birth determines your RISING SIGN, also known as your Ascendant. Your...


The houses in astrology is similar to a clock. The zodiack is divided into twelve individual segments called houses, each one being ruled...


SIGNS There are twelve astrological signs, and each sign has its own strengths, weaknesses, specific traits, desires and attitudes...


Planets are a fundamental part of reading a birth chart. They have a specific influence & govern a certain area of your personality &...


Astrology is the study of patterns and relationships of planets, moons, and stars in motion- our birth chart, horoscopes, compatibility,...

The Minor Arcana Court Cards

Each suit of the Minor Arcana has a set of four COURT cards and each set consists of a KING, QUEEN, PRINCE, and PRINCESS. Court cards are...

The Minor Arcana Numbered Cards

The Minor Arcana is divided into four suits. They’re usually called WANDS(Rods, Staves, Baton, or Clubs), CUPS(Baskets, Chalices,...

The Major Arcana

The Major Arcana cards are forceful and dramatic. They feature figures and characters that seem larger than life. The figures on the...

The Fool's Journey

Let's explore the Fool's journey . It's a powerful way to understand the lessons of the Major Arcana cards. In this journey, we begin...

What Is TAROT?

Tarot is a system of 78 cards using symbolism and intuition. The tarot’s seventy-eight cards are divided into two groups: the Major...

Spirited SMiles Blog: Blog2
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