Lilith represents an important piece of the feminine that has been lost or even shunned in modern patriarchal society. She was worshipped in ancient Babylonia as the handmaiden of Innana and also viewed with distrust as the archetype of wild and uncontrolled sexuality. She is identified in Hebrew mythology as the first and rejected wife of Adam, who found her too argumentative, and too insistent on having an equal footing with his male ascendancy. She has thus come to represent the principle of equality between the sexes, being also associated with raw sexual power and its spiritual use as in Tantra practice. She is also a fitting archetype for the dark unknown part of ourselves that represents our unchained sexuality, and the female portion of either a man's or a woman's basic nature. Her archetype also includes the rage of being repressed and excluded from everyday life. Like Chiron, Lilith represents the potentially walled-off world of dark, instinctual urges that come from deep inside ourselves and lead us toward transcendence. When her influence is developed and explored through spiritual practice, she becomes a powerful ally for healing and regaining wholeness. Where she is found in the chart, either by aspect or by house position, she urges us to explore the dark unknown and instinctual side of feminine sexuality and to embrace the healing power of acknowledging and honoring this influence.
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