The Minor Arcana is divided into four suits. They’re usually called WANDS(Rods, Staves, Baton, or Clubs), CUPS(Baskets, Chalices, Vessels, or Hearts), SWORDS(Knives, Blades, Feathers, or Spades), and PENTACLES(Coins, Disks, or Diamonds), depending on the deck you use. The Minor Arcana cards show how you experience life’s mysteries on a daily basis, the way you live your life, and how you manage the many different facets of your existence.
Each suit of the Minor Arcana are associated with one of the four elements: FIRE(wands), WATER(cups), AIR(swords), and EARTH(pentacles). WANDS The fire cards of spirit, passion and inspiration. Wands can be a source of illumination and, sometimes spark an entire web of ideas. CUPS The water cards of emotions and deeply felt affairs. Cups can hold water but also hold other liquids with emotional significance. SWORDS The air cards of the intellect, conscious awareness and attempts to communicate. Swords, like words, move through the air but sometimes the pen is mightier than the sword. PENTACLES The earth cards of material existence and the physical realities of life. Pentacles symbolize the things you can touch and feel, and the money you need and want. Pentacles also symbolize spiritual and emotional treasures.
Each Minor Arcana suit consists of ten numbered cards, ace (1) through ten.
#ACE– Beginnings/Origins/Roots/Potential
#Wands – Starting Action or Movement
#Cups – Emotional Beginnings
#Swords – Ideas, Mental Beginnings no
#Pentacles – Practical/Financial Beginnings
#TWO– Decisions/Extremes/Balance
#Wands – Decisions related to action or travel
#Cups – Decisions about relationships/emotions
#Swords – Stressful or Painful Decisions
#Pentacles – Financial Decisions
#THREE– Growth/Development/Progress
#Wands – Travel or things beginning to move/ develop.
#Cups – The Celebration of emotional or relationship progress.
#Swords – Pain/Conflict/Grief coming to a head.
#Pentacles – Practical Growth through study and hard work
#FOUR– Consolidation/Stability/Foundations
#Wands – Physical Well-being and Stability
#Cups – Trying to find emotional stability
#Swords – Trying to achieve Mental Stability
#Pentacles – Consolidating your finances and laying strong foundations for the future.
#FIVE– Change/Loss/Conflict/Chaos/Upheaval
#Wands – Dissipated physical energy/conflict and squabbles
#Cups– Separation/loss/grief/anger/emotional pain
#Swords – Arguments/forceful conflict, aggression
#Pentacles – Financial, material and spiritual loss
#SIX– Stability/Harmony/Peace/Balance
#Wands – The Stability of Energy, harmony after conflict
#Cups – Emotional Stability and Security, comfort and nurturing
#Swords – Attempt to find mental stability
#Pentacles – Re-establishing Financial Stability
#SEVEN– Challenges/Don’t Give Up/Tenacity
#Wands– Physical Challenges. Defense and standing your ground. Holding out.
#Cups – Emotional Soul Searching.
#Swords – Mental adaptability/resourcefulness
#Pentacles – The Challenge to maintain and sustain financial stability
#EIGHT– Strength/Personal Power
#Wands – Free flowing physical energy. Momentum, speed
#Cups – Emotional Strength to walk away from an unhappy situation
#Swords – Desperately seeking the mental strength to change beliefs and attitudes.
#Pentacles – Commitment to Goals and Long-term plans. Hard Work. Physical Strength.
#NINE– Re-assessment/Reflection/Nearing the End of a Cycle
#Wands – Re-assessment of which goals are important. Reflection and introspection
#Cups – Fulfilment and healthy sense of self-worth. Finding inner happiness
#Swords – Intense worry and stress building.
#Pentacles– Financial Success and reflecting on the road to success.
#TEN– Completion of Cycle/New Beginnings
#Wands – Burdens resulting from too many projects. Success but Exhausted
#Cups – A family or group in harmony. Happy ever after. Love and joy.
#Swords – Hitting rock bottom. Mental stress causing collapse or breakdown. The death of a situation. Letting go.
#Pentacles – Solid and long-lasting Success. Financial and Material Wealth. Permanence.